I saw How to Train Your Dragon last night. ....
This film is definitely one of Dreamworks best film to date. There’s is some incredible animation that blew my mind, especially on Toothless. There’s also some animation that looked to me like live-action, because they tried to emulate live-action motion too much,so i think this is called "Exaggerated Naturalism"which KeithLango is mentioning for years ...but, Whatever it was, I noticed the really good Acting...
I’m not going to Speak on the story because, while I recognized some repetitive elements, they were repeated because they work. And who am I to critic a film anyway? I’m of the mindset now that if I can’t do better, shut up. And all in all I was very entertained, I think some people forget that, and get too analytical, and criticizing the strength of the storyline by comparing it with "Pixar "Movies in which have strong emotional roots. But,I admit the first part of the movie is bit slow .Besides, I am more interested in the film making and animation aspects than anything else. The sequence where Hiccup meets Toothless is Truly magical and powerful. The bond between these two characters is worked Very well,and in the ending they truly complete each other .
It’s clear that they used dogs as part of their reference for the dragons, which as a dog lover I really tuned into. Toothless’ design was incredible! You can tell they really had to nail it down perfectly because he’s literally seen from every angle & its anatomy is awesome.The CG animator in me dreams of Playing with the Toothless Model and see what I can do with it. They just look like they were so well made. They really brought Toothless to life, and whoever did any of his shots should really be proud.
I saw the film without the 3D classes. I might go see it again in 3D because I was just curious. Anyway, go see it. Well Done, Dreamworks. Great work!!!